Wednesday 7 December 2011

Nun's Sweets

Spain now seems like some distant wonderful dream...

One of our many memorable events was standing in a convent trying to order sweets from a nun when we couldn't see her & we couldn't speak Spanish...

Our frantic hand gestures seemed completely useless!

Eventually a box was passed through the grille and money was exchanged, it all felt rather clandestine for a convent...

Unfortunately, last night we finished these delicious Nun's Sweets...

Despite all our testing, we still hadn't worked out what the ingredients were (although we suspect toasted hazelnuts to be one of them..)

Wiping the last crumbs delicately from my lips I suggested to Mr TH that maybe we should return, in the name of investigative food science of course...


Annie Cholewa said...

How delicious they look! And what a perfectly reasonable suggestion you made, to return for more is clearly essential! Bring some back for me next time too, there's a dear ;D

Claire said...

How lovely and such a novel way of getting dessert! I'll take a box too thanks.

Mrs. Micawber said...

Suddenly I need a cup of tea and something sweet to go with it.

Good luck on the food-investigation ploy.

Anonymous said...

Those look delicious and easier on the digestion than mince pies (my coffee break treat currently).

Calico Kate said...

It looks simply delicious - all of it. Did you smooth out the printed paper wrappings for a future project? And what will you keep in the box?
It's a wonderful story too.

PS Thank you everso much for the lovely comments you've been leaving on my Advent blog. Just about to post todays.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great plan! I do hope you get back there...

litlove said...

They looked wonderful and smelt delicious too! You managed to spread the eating of them out over a long time - you must have been very good and disciplined! It would be great to do something festive, too - wish I could join in the making activities only I have the equivalent of two left...hands??? Well, you know what I mean.

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