Monday, 22 October 2012

Preserved Lemons

Bags of ripe lemons reduced for quick sale prompted me to get preserving...

I washed & partially quartered the lemons.

Added sea salt to the insides.

Tightly packed them in a sterilised jar, layering with more salt, peppercorns, a star anise & some bay leaves.

Topped up (& covered) with fresh lemon juice & sealed.

I shall leave them for about 4-8 weeks before testing...

The leftover lemons were turned in to yet more Lemon Curd!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Hummus or Humus?

Hummus, hummous, houmous, hommos, humos, hommus, hoummos not to be confused with Humus (& I'm not even going to mention the Hummus Wars!)

I get easily confused & so I make my own peaceful & very edible hummus.

I put a tin of chick peas & a tin of butter beans in the blender. I realise that this is meant to be a chick pea dish but I like the texture that butter beans add to the mix. (They are cheaper than chick peas too!)

To be thrifty, soak dried butter beans overnight then rinse thoroughly & boil for approx 20 mins to soften. Chick peas need hours of cooking so I tend to buy them ready cooked.

Add a slurp of sunflower oil & a dash of olive oil (too much olive oil makes the mix bitter).

A crushed clove of garlic & a good splosh of lemon juice add zing.

I like spiced hummus, so I add approx half a teaspoon of smoked paprika, cinnamon, ground cumin, ground coriander & a grating of nutmeg. (I sometimes add chopped root ginger from the freezer)

If you have tahini or peanut butter, add a tablespoon.


Add extra oil/lemon juice if too solid.

Season to taste.

I like to add chopped herbs; chopped coriander leaf from the freezer is a favourite too. A drizzle of nasturtium pesto is also is chopped thyme or oregano.

It keeps in the fridge for a few days (& can be frozen too but on defrosting it can be quite, erm, 'windy'...!)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Paper Cuts

Inspired by the stunningly creative work of Su Blackwell & in need of some thrifty entertainment, a small group of us settled in for an evening of cuts...

What do you do with a book that is falling to pieces, has missing pages & is on it's way to the recycling bin?

...turn it in to something else!

To see more, visit one of my fellow paper-cutters over at the Reading Room

The germs have gone, the food challenge continues but the freezer & cupboards have a lot less in them now...

Monday, 8 October 2012

Food Challenge Continued

There is less in the freezer.

There is less in the cupboards.

Looks like it will be chick peas tonight...

We have no bread flour left.

There is not even any chocolate in the house...

...but the challenge continues!

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