The table top after treatment |
Our wooden floor looked wonderful until I mistakenly dropped the iron leaving a large dent. Our wooden table looked equally good until I over-watered a pot plant & the large watermark bore witness to my foolishness. Similarly the wooden surface of a box has been scratched...
scratches were easily dealt with, I remembered, from long ago, being told that a sharpened brazil nut solves the problem. Use the sharp end like a pencil & 'colour' in the scratch. The oil from the nut is absorbed by the wood & will usually return the wood to the right shade.
dent in the wooden floor was tackled in 2 stages. Put a damp cloth over the dent & iron gently with a low heat. The heat encourages the wood to absorb the water thereby re-swelling the dent. Once dry, the chipped wood was lightly sanded & wood glue smoothed over.
watermark was the most satisfying and the easiest. I mixed a teaspoon of oil and a teaspoon of vinegar, then applied it (in small amounts) on a cloth to the watermarked surface. I massaged it in, left it to dry and then kept on reapplying it until the mark could no longer be seen.
Having finished, I admired the handiwork. 'Did you do a before & after photo?' enquired Mr TH...
The last Making Winter Blog Hop starts here on Monday 20th February.