Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Mr TH does not buy Roses...

...but he did present me with these gifts...

Glorious sticks of delicately pink, forced rhubarb

A bag of fresh dates (which we promptly started to consume, these are all that's left- at the moment)

And a large bunch of egg yolk yellow Daffodils...

Mr TH knows me so well!

(I made lemon biscuits for him)

The next (& last) blog hop in the Making Winter Project begins here on Monday 20th February. Please join in and add links of anything to do with winter!


Angela said...

Well, eating the rhubarb will make him a 'regular guy'
And 'staying-in' dates can be MUCH more fun than 'going-out' dates
And I have completely failed to make a pun about the daffs!!!

good to know you made him some biscuits, I guess that makes you One Smart Cookie

blessings !

Annie Cholewa said...

I'm with Mr TH on this one ... much nice gifts than chocs and roses :D

nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

Well done, Mr TH! I made Driftwood's Rhubarb and Orange cake yesterday with some forced rhubarb that my hubby gave me ( he too is a most romantic gentleman!) The cake is delish, and there is a Rhubarb Shortbread recipe on our blog which is yummy too ( I am a bit of a rhubarb fan, can you tell !?) Laura x

litlove said...

Oh I love it! He really has got your number when it comes to gifts, hasn't he? Good for Mr TH and I'll bet he appreciated his biscuits too (now why does that sound like a euphemism? ;)!)

Anonymous said...

Forced rhubarb for me any day over roses.

Anonymous said...

The man is a star, keep hold of him!

Rachel said...

The whole trick of Valentine's day survival is to ignore the conventions. We went to a lecture in London!

julie said...

Yes, I think I'd rather have rhubarb than roses too - just as pretty to look at and much better to eat x

lizzie said...

Where did you find this guy ??!!
Definitely a man after my own heart. My mouth is watering at the sight of that pink rhubarb - I would serve it with custard.

Jo said...

Oh yes, definitely superior gifts to a supermarket bunch of roses! You married a man if good taste (obviously!) Jo x

Mrs. Micawber said...

Isn't rhubarb beautiful?

Daffs are MUCH nicer than roses in my book.

Ginnie said...

Wow, TH, you are one lucky woman! And I've never heard of force rhubarb - I read your link and find it fascinating from a number of standpoints. One is the decline of popularity after WWII because of more exotic fruits being available. We have a patch in our garden that comes back every year and does well with no input from me. So nice.

Gillian Roe said...

Hello there - found your lovely blog via Silverpebble. What great Valentine's presents! I do love daffodils.

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