Thursday, 2 February 2012

Under the Weather

This is often the time of year when extra cosiness, comfort & added TLC are much needed.

Here's what I do when I sense my body is desperately trying to fend off the latest bug...

I head for my battered paperback copy of the Fragrant Pharmacy by Valerie Ann Worwood, open it at page 41 & diligently follow these instructions...

  • Run a warm bath
  • When it's ready add the following essential oils; 5 drops Tea Tree, 2 drops of Lavender & 2 drops of Thyme
  • Stir the water to distribute the oils
  • Wallow for about 10 mins ( sometimes whilst sipping a hot toddy)
  • Dry myself 
  • Massage my whole body with 2 drops Tea Tree & 3 drops Eucalyptus diluted in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
  • Go to bed clutching a hot water bottle

It works for me...what works for you?


The List Writer said...

Oh, I have a similarly very battered copy of The Fragrant Pharmacy, which I flick through for all sorts of things. Lemon & rosemary is my default pick-me-up, or geranium and clary sage if I am feeling hormonal. I haven't actually tried blends in the bath - but shall do now!

Fee said...

Lemons, lemons and more lemons plus a dash of menthol and eucalyptus are my thing, but your recipe is tempting! Good luck with recovery.


Annie Cholewa said...

Tea tree, geranium, lemon balm ... and the hot water bottle (although I just had a little adventure with mine!)

Mrs. Micawber said...

I like peppermint oil for headaches - either sniffed from the vial or added to a very hot bath, while a cool washcloth is applied to the sore part of the head. Sometimes I combine a drop of peppermint oil with olive oil and apply just under my nose for a lasting effect.

Tea tree and eucalyptus are wonderful for stuffy sinuses - either in a bowl of hot water or a bath.

Bed always helps! And I love drinking hot tea at any time, but especially when under the weather.

Penny said...

Oh poor you! I do hope your bath and hot toddy and water bottle are helping. I also use lemon oil and tea tree is a must. I have to have my baths very hot though! A lot of sleep too does wonder's for me, oh and some echinacea xox Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Thyme infusions. This time I wasn't quick enough and I have been unwell for two weeks now and cant shift the phlegm. Doctor visit on Monday - let's see if she can help!

Anonymous said...

Tea tree and eucalyptus are always good. Hot Lavender wheat bags. Clean, fresh sheets.

Down by the sea said...

This book looks really interesting and following your recommendation I have just bought one on ebay. I prefer using natural remedies and I am convinced my honey and lemon toddy with a drop of brandy speeds recovery. My family are not so convinced but it is so much better than lemsip.

Stitchybritt said...

This recipe from Arabella Forge's Frugavore (excellent book!) sound yukky but is actually really warming and nice...

(you need to scroll down the page a smidge)

Anonymous said...

I am lazy about making concoctions but it would help of course to get a stock of essential ingredients to hand. But this winter I have got into a very good ritual: I pumice stone the soles of my feet in a hot bath then slap on body or hand lotion then pull on cosy bed socks. This works wonders and leaves the feet feeling like new.

Calico Kate said...

That all sounds delicious. I could do with a worry removing sleeping potion just now (it's 5.16 am! ugh).
Lemons is my solution to just about everything, with honey. But I might invest in some of those essential oils.

The Coffee Lady said...

Lemsip, though I'm ashamed to admit it.

Pomona said...

Hot water with manuka honey and lemon is a very healing drink - or I add a drop of tea tree for a gargle (for troublesome teeth or throat). And two hot water bottles - twice as good as one!!

Hope you feel better soon.

Pomona x

Laura said...

My mum has this book, I will have to borrow it. Also, just to say that we have been tinkering with the feed on our blg. If you were subscribing by email ( I think you may have even, although I could be wrong!)' you would need to resubscribe using the new link on the blog. Feel better soon. Laura x

nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

Ps: used the wrong account by mistake, the blog I am talking about is Nimble Finger and Steady Eyebrows. Laura x

Cheryl@Gingerbread Crafts said...

Must source myself a copy of The Fragrant Pharmarcy.

Could have used it last week, my latest bug might not have hung around so long

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