Tuesday, 31 January 2012

A Thousand & One Nights Arabian Rose Syrup

When I read blogs that mention food, I often find myself inadvertently cooking something similar over the following week. Some favourite foodie blogs include; Lavender & Lovage, Allotment 2 Kitchen, Simply Breakfast & The Quince Tree.

Lately, I've taken to reading cookery books before going to bed but I then find myself dreaming of food...Working in a bookshop whets the appetite for even more reading (aided & abetted by my fellow colleague LitLove who is always able to recommend a good read).

A few weeks ago, I found a copy of 'A Thousand & One Nights'. Last weekend I started to read it & promptly found myself dreaming of Arabian Nights inspired rose syrup...so I made some.

I gently heated 250ml of water & 400g of sugar in a pan over a low heat.Then I added about a tablespoon of lemon juice & simmered for 10 mins without stirring. 


Last of all I stirred in a few drops of red food colouring & 75ml of Rose Water. When it started to cool I bottled it.

The recipe was based on one from Wendyl Nissen. She suggests adding it to gin. Me, I'm dreaming up 1001 ways to use it...ice cream, sparkling wine, sparkly water, cocktails, whipped in with cream, in meringue, over strawberries, over rice pudding, mixed with elderflower cordial, ice lollies...

* measurement conversion tables can be found here


Annie Cholewa said...

Yum! How are you finding the book? I've often wondered about reading it.

Pomona said...

That sounds absolutely delicious! And looks so pretty too. Is any sort of rosewater OK? I buy mine in bulk for my face from a cosmetic supplier and I have never been quite sure if all rosewaters are equal.

Pomona x

Penny said...

oh my goodness this is stunning and so many ways to use it, beautiful photo's to xox

Anne Wheaton said...

According to Culpeper, a small quantity taken every night will keep the bowels regular! Even more thrifty, next summer use rose petals - I did it last year and it tasted good (see http://annewheaton.co.uk/2011/06/01/rose-petal-jam/)

litlove said...

I'm wondering how you're getting on with the book? 1001 Nights is one of those classics I mean to read but have yet to get around to. As for your syrup, I feel sure I can smell its gorgeous fragrance from here! Did Mr TH think he'd entered the harem when he came through to the kitchen? ;-)

Angela said...

I love the little bottle- where did you find it?

you might like to try your syrup in this lovely Lebanese recipe http://angalmond.blogspot.com/2010/09/upmarket-blancmange.html

blessings xx

Anonymous said...

It sounds wonderful. I've got a recipe for a rosewater pudding as well...

Calico Kate said...

Sooo pretty! Almost too pretty to use. But I like the sparkly wine/water idea, how lovely.

silverpebble said...

Ooh that sounds truly delicious. I'd so love to try rosewater meringues. Real fairy food.

Mrs. Micawber said...

All of the above, and such a romantic-sounding concoction to boot.

I am imagining a genoise saturated with this syrup and frosted with almond- or berry-flavoured buttercream, topped with candied flowers. For some reason pistachio is coming to mind as well. (Do pistachio and rose go together?)

The Provincial Homemaker said...

Oh, we have rosewater in the cupboard. I think I might need to make this!

Unknown said...

That sounds delicious! Just found your blog via Marigold Jam! You have some great ideas and tips, I'm trying to be more thrifty this year and I shall be following your blog with interest. :) x

Anonymous said...

It looks simply lovely and I can almost smell it. Please could you find an ice-cream recipe to use it with next. And imagine it with meringues as someone has already suggested.

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