Thursday, 15 March 2012

A ball of string, a hook & a second-hand book...

Since having been taught to crochet by Notsogranny, I've been looking for a very easy project.

Aided by a great book picked up from my local second-hand bookshop, I opted for a cushion for my garden bench.

The instructions suggested using string. A string cushion seemed a bit strange, but I had a ball of string so I gave it a go...

I stayed thrifty & made the inner cushion pad from a piece of old sheeting stuffed with shredded textile remnants.

For a first attempt it's not bad...


Knitlass said...

Cool! This crochet thing must be catching, I've taken up hooking too, and used some very string like yarn in the process...

lizzie said...

Very classy-looking - wish I could crochet.

Ali said...

Not bad? It looks fab from here!

Frances said...

Bravo! I think your string crocheted cushion has a wonderfully vintage look. Can there be such a thing as "modern vintage?"

I also like your recycling fabric to made the cushion itself.

Lots of inspiration hereabouts.


nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

Hey, well done you! For a first attempt, that is jolly marvellous:) The crochet world is your oyster now... Laura x

Celia Hart said...

Looks like it should be on a verandah somewhere by the sea! Every beach hut should have one :-)


Rachel said...

Depends on the string, I guess - this one has worked!

Annie Cholewa said...

Not too bad at all! Nice one :D

Down by the sea said...

That looks amazing I wish I could crochet! I nearly bought a crochet needle the other day but I was overwhelmed by the number of different sizes. Could you recommend a size to start with?

Penny said...

How very stunning for your first crochet make, I am most impressed. I love to crochet with different fibres and string is definitely one of the cheaper varieties :0)Perfect neutral colour too, well done! xox
ps. I love Erika Knight's books and patterns, they are so well written.

Not So Granny said...

What a fantastic project!

PS full marks for being thrifty but do allow yourself a project soon that allows you to go and squidge lots of lovely posh yarns.

Thrifty Household said...

Thanks for all the lovely comments! In answer to the hook size, I think it was a 4.5... I have looked at lovely yarns & had equally lovely thoughts but have decided to use up as much of my wool stash as possible before spending (too, too thrifty!)
My next project is slippers...

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I love it! I have been crocheting a kingsize blanket for about eighteen months now. I only do it when I need a break from more interesting projects but I do love it and if I finish it before I am sixty I shall throw a party!

dottycookie said...

Blimey, I have tried to crochet with strimg and it is not as easy as with soft wool, so my hat's off to you for making such a fabulously formed piece!

BadPenny said...

Brilliant ! I was given a book bought some cotton & a hook & still haven't learnt !

Gillian Roe said...

That is fantastic! I wish I could crochet. I think string is actually a really good choice for a cushion that you want to use outside, very durable!

Calico Kate said...

Very very impressed! Not entirely sure I believe it is your first project! ;) Well done you.

Mrs. Micawber said...

It's wonderful! Very nice work, and a great idea to stuff it with textile remnants.

I love crocheting with string. And hooray for second-hand books.

Speaking of books, check out my blog post on Saturday March 17th. I'm having a giveaway - you may win one of two crochet books (plus there will be chocolate). :)

Magic Bean said...

I am seriously impressed. How many string balls did you use? Almost makes me want to learn how to crochet! Ax

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed. I hope to learn to crochet one day!! But I know that string is difficult so even more of an achievement.

Cheryl said...

As someone who's crocheting achievements to date are three little granny squares, I am impressed at your first project. Got to love the use of string. I've knitted with plastic bags, but not string. I feel a new project in the making.

Stitchybritt said...

You've only just learnt to crochet and you made this? Amazing! It looks great and functional too.

nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

oo er who would have thought, crocheting with string! Very nice, I like the use of fabric remnants for the inner cushion too. - Annie

silverpebble said...

It is as good in real life as it is in the photo. Seriously impressive and stylish.

Prudence Belatedly said...

Love your blog - just discovered it! Very impressed at your cushion. When I finally finish my son's cable knit tank (it's for 18mths but I think he'll be 18 yrs by then) I may have to give a cushion a go. x

Cheryl said...

I love the cushion. The crochet bug has bitten here at the moment I am making zigzag rug for a Mother's Day Gift.

I offer an invitation to check out my new blog, regretfully leaving Gingerbread Crafts for now.

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