Monday, 25 June 2012

Half Full or Half Empty?

When I think the tube/pot/bottle is empty...

I cut it in half to find loads more 'stuff' lurking in the bottom...


Marigold Jam said...

I am glad I am not the only one to do this! It's amazing how much stuff would otherwise be thrown away. I also use a lipbrush to get the dregs from a lipstick and am amazed at how long I can continue to use them. Waste not want not I say!

tea with hazel said...

i do the same..and i've often wondered if others do the same..i even cut toothpaste tubes open and i get about an extra week of teeth cleaning by doing so..

Celia Hart said...

Ha! I do that too.

Anonymous said...

Great tip !! We do it too. When the laundry bottle is empty, I fill it with water, to get another filling for the washing machine ; )
Yoghurt packages are also cut in half and emptied that way.
Have a great day !!

Babajeza said...

It's amazing how much is still in a bottle or tube. :-)
Last week one of my students showed me the "empty" bottle. I filled it with water and he could do the dishes perfectly.

Annie Cholewa said...

Me too :D

Penny said...

I do the same, amazing to think how much product people often throw away!

Gillian Roe said...

Ha ha, me too! So glad it's not just me. There is so much left in the bottom that you don't realise. Always do this with my Aveeno as I want every last scrap of it!

Anonymous said...

I do this too.

Thrifty Household said...

Great minds think alike...!

just Gai said...

I've never tried cutting bottles in half but I do turn them upside down to allow all the shampoo or whatever to collect in the lid.

My dad taught me to add a little vinegar or worcestershire sauce to an 'empty' tomato saude bottle and shake it to get the very last drops out.

Stitchybritt said...

yup, me too : )

Calico Kate said...

I do this too now but will confess that it wasn't until aft I saw it on Superscrimpers, I do it to the toothpaste too. I have always rinsed right through the shampoo, laundry liquid on the rare occasions I have it and the washing up liquid. So pleased I'm not alone!

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