Friday, 15 June 2012

Holiday Food

Yesterday, I dug out my holiday photos & remembered...

...the wonderful fish, the sublime olives & the beautiful, local wine in Cordoba (Montilla).

Black Rice with Calamari

My top three favourite foods were;

The Moorish potatoes, basically sauté potatoes & a sauce that my taste buds told me was a mix of mayonnaise, turmeric, cumin, garlic & seasoning. Unfortunately the excitement that this dish inspired in me resulted in my inability to take a decent photograph of it. So instead I've substituted a photo of aubergines & honey...

I also became rather partial to the lettuce hearts with olive oil & lots of garlic. It is not only delicious but pretty thrifty & easy as well. (not a brilliant photo but you get the idea...)

My winner in the desert section, was without doubt, the 'fig thing'. Translated from menus as a fig biscuit served with frozen yoghurt, it was actually more like frozen fig ice-cream. It had chopped dried figs, crumbled biscuits, nuts, spices & honey (?) mixed in ice-cream & re-frozen. The accompanying frozen yoghurt was really sharp & 'live' tasting. It was an amazing combination! (I'd also like to try the frozen yoghurt with shredded mint & lemon balm leaves)

Not too sure about the red stuff though...
 Maybe it's time to try & recreate these dishes...


Annie Cholewa said...

I think I'd be rather partial to 'the fig thing too' so a recreation sounds like a very good idea :D

And the black rice with Calamari looks sublime!

Rachel said...

They sound like warm weather foods - I do hope you have some!

Anonymous said...

The calamari looks delicious and yes to garlic, olive oil and lettuce so simple and yet so tasty especially with crispy calamari.

Mrs. Micawber said...

Aubergine with honey - that sounds really good. Also anything with "lots of garlic".

Let us know how the reconstruction goes!

harmony and rosie said...

Anything with figs gets my vote, mind you anything I haven't had to cook myself I will willingly devour. I love that certain foods evoke memories of certain holidays. We had amazing deep fried baby octopus in Portofino many years ago and I can still taste them now.
I'm having an Indian take away tonight!!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Oh gosh I could have any of those right now! I also read your herb post below. I have all sorts of herbs which I have started from cuttings. Let me know if you want anything (I can give you a list of what I have!) and I will have a go at posting them for you.

Calico Kate said...

Moorish potatoes sound very aptly named! Yum!

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