Saturday 17 September 2011

After the storm...the harvest

The blusteriness of the past few days has subsided & left everything in the garden battered. Today we had torrential rain, brilliant sunshine & then hail. The Japanese Anemones were horizontal so, dodging the raindrops, I brought some inside.

Nipping out to get some milk, I spotted these precious windfalls (Japanese Quince- Chaenomeles) strewn across the pavement.

I shall follow Sue's advice to grate them, add sugar & vodka & then just sit tight & wait until Christmas to sample...


silverpebble said...

If you need help sampling that brew at Christmas, erm, I know someone who can help.

Angela said...

oooh! just stumble don your blog via Pomona- and have added you to my regular reading list!
blessings x

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