Sunday, 25 September 2011

Unexpected Happy Moment

Walking to the end of the road to get more milk, I was greeted by a glorious blaze of autumn colour...

 Autumn is here & winter is on the way...

...the list of 'Wintery things to look forward to' grows.


Marigold Jam said...

Lovely photos. Every season has its pluses doesn't it?

noknittedknickers said...

Gosh, lovely colours! And your list makes me long to be at home. Not long now. C.x

nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

Snuggling in a comfy chair next to a roaring fire, with the radio on knitting and watching the cold weather whistling outside. That is my favourite. Oh and a cup of tea and a slice of cake. -Annie

silverpebble said...

Beautiful. You really are beginning to convince me.

Anonymous said...

It gives me such a thrill to notice Autumn's first approach. To me it seems to be the most positive season of the year, I love it. I hope you enjoy it too.

Calico Kate said...

Loely lovely lovely. I adore the autumn.

Anonymous said...

My favourite time of year too - great photos. Made me feel like lighting the fire and breaking out yet more blankets!

Karen S Booth said...

BEAUTIFUL photos that capture the season.....

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