Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Sore Throat

I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat, then the ears joined in too. I lay there optimistically wondering if it would miraculously clear up all by itself. It didn’t so in the early hours of the morning I padded downstairs to seek out some easy, instant remedies that would provide some relief.  

We were totally out of Echinacea...

I considered a soluble aspirin or paracetamol but then figured that I probably had a pretty empty stomach...

So I reached for the salt.  I dissolved one teaspoon in about an inch of warm water, gargled, swilled & to my relief the edge had been taken off the pain.

Then I considered my ears.  We have a bit of a current oil shortage here at the moment, the only options were chilli oil or Mr TH’s very expensive mega virgin olive oil picked on the fourth Friday of a month with a ‘z’ in it or something. Then I remembered lavender oil which I use for almost everything: burns, spots, rashes, stings, insect bites, headaches, insomnia, etc... I put 1 drop of Lavender oil on a bit of cotton wool & popped it in my ear.

I figure that both remedies were pretty good as I nodded off again pretty quickly.

Today, I still have a sore throat so I’ve been saltwater gargling alternating with Manuka honey eating.

If I still have the sore throat tomorrow I have threatened to try a James Wong recipe that involves drinking the strained juice of a blitzed mixture of a raw onion, ½ chilli, juice of 2 lemons & 1 teaspoon of salt.

Any other instant remedies that might not be quite so anti-social would be much appreciated!


Marigold Jam said...

My mother used to mix up a concoction of sugar, vinegar and butter which I loved - I guess it was a poor man's lemon, honey and glycerine but it seemed to help. Also good is elderberry cordial with lemon but I guess you wouldn't have that in stock at this time of year if ever!! Hope your throat is better soon and isn't heralding a cold.

noknittedknickers said...

I'm afraid I'm all about better living through chemistry so I have no words of wisdom to offer you, but lots of sympathy. Sore throat AND earache - no fun. C.x

Anonymous said...

What about TCP, tastes disgusting, but seems to nuke the germs and numbs the throat. You have to dilute it, but I think the instructions are on the bottle.

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Emily said...

My mum used to make me hot honey and lemon drinks when I had a sore throat as a child. It tastes yum and it's good for you - you can also add a little bit of grated ginger for an added boost. My kids always ask for it now when they're a bit under the weather (and even when they're not, sometimes!)
Hope you're better now
Emily x

Thrifty Household said...

Thank you for the tips! It's not as bad today (the threat of onions must have worked...)I'm especially intrigued by the vinegar, butter & sugar...I'm almost hoping that the sore throat lingers a bit longer so that I can road test them!

Barbara said...

Salt, lemon, honey - what more is there. My favourite is lemon and manuka honey in hot water with ginger for drinking and salt for gargling.

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