So we had no peanut butter but we did have 2 packets of salted peanuts.
We decided to make our own.
Stage One consisted of locating, cleaning, then trying to remember how to put all the bits of the food processor back together again.
Stage Two, one packet of peanuts in & blitz to crumbs
Stage Three, carry on blitzing (the mixture was now clumping in to a ball)
Stage Four, after what seemed like ages (a few minutes) the mixture seemed much smoother and had a sheen to it. We had smooth peanut butter. I like my peanut butter really crunchy, so...
Stage Five, remove mix from machine then add second packet of peanuts to food processor- reduce to crumbs
Stage Six, mix both lots together.
We had about 2 jars of crunchy peanut butter.
It looked like peanut butter, it tasted like peanut butter but knowing that it had cost us less than £1 made it somehow taste even better...
Knowing how easy & cheap it is to make, I won't feel guilty if I need to use it to remove oil/tar from clothing. (Massage in to the stain, rinse and repeat until oil/tar has gone, then wash as usual- it's brilliant!)
Next time we're going to splash out & do a mix of almonds, cashews & peanuts (this won't be used for stain removal though!)
Brilliant! There used to be a machine at the health food shop that made freshly ground peanut butter years ago so why not. Only problem for me would be that I would never have a packet of peanuts to hand - I would have eaten them! Is that true that you can use it for removing oil/tar stains? You certainly learn something new every day in blogland!
It does indeed remove tar/oil- I'd tried a whole variety of stain removers to get rid of a splodge of tar on my fleece jacket & it was the peanut butter that worked! It also left the jacket really soft...
Cashew butter is rather less thrifty but horribly addictive. I went through a phase of making nut butters a few years back. I wouldn't dare now ...
Yum - love peanut butter. You could make satay sauce with it if you get fed up of it on toast. Not that you ever would... C.x
That sounds very delicious, only problem is that peanuts don't stay in their packets very long in this house to be able to do this! Def going to have to buy some just to make our own peanut butter - no added sugar and I guess that you could reduce salt by washing it off some of them.
Thanks for tip!
Becasue I have subscribed to your blog I get all the emails only I read it in email and then forget to comment here! DUH!!
That's interesting.. do you think it would remove a grease stain from my expensive Italian suede handbag? Result of the taking a portion of battered fish home from the pub for the cat! - You live and learn!!!!
Mmm...I've not tried it on suede...probably more tricky as you can't wash suede in the same way. If it's a new stain you could try a gentle rub with cornflour followed by a good brushing using a suede brush? There's a good website called the Bare Foot Lass stain removal page...or just do a general search online?
I am the sole lover of peanut butter in our household but love the idea of my very own jar. Thanks for your comment on mine about the pears! Pear recipe for peanut butter recipe seems a very neat and fair exchange!
You thrifty lady you. Fantastic. Great tip too, I shall remember that one thank you!
Oof, you've reminded me how much I love it. I shall be making some now!
That looks delicious :D We make cashew butter like this and it's oh so very moreish!
This is brilliant. I work my way through jars of peanut butter as it's a constituent part of breakfast. I'd never thought to make my own before now, but am inspired! Although I would also have to remember how to fit my food processor together and get it to work...
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