Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Lazy Cleaning

I would never describe cleaning as an enjoyable activity. I find it boring and repetitive. The kind of cleaning I like is where you set it up, go away & do something far more interesting instead & then return to nonchalantly wipe the offending item which then glitters as if by magic.

Yesterday I spotted this decanter (minus the stopper) in a junk shop. The decanter was extremely filthy both inside and out so the owner of the shop only charged me 85p. After I had given it a good wash I set about cleaning the inside- the lazy way!

I poured about 1-2cm of vinegar in and a small handful of rice. Every time I go past the sink I give the decanter a good shake & swirl. The rice is acting as an abrasive and the vinegar is speeding the whole process up. It's already looking quite sparkly.

Now all I need to find is a stopper that fits...


Angela said...

Can't tell how big this is - if it's not too big, then try and find a cork [proper one, not a plastic jobby] from a wine bottle, and then trim it down carefully.
That's how I created a new stopper for a glass jug I use for my salad dressings.
Alternatively, can you find a slim shot glass that would fit?

I love your decanter though- great shape!!

blessings xx

Penny said...

Oh the power of good old vinegar, it;s marvellous stuff that every household should have! Like the idea of rice grains being the abrasive...thanks for sharing xox

Annie Cholewa said...

That's my kind of cleaning!

When I needed a similar stopper I found one on ebay, think it cost £1.50.

That is a beautifully shaped decanter

Claire said...

I was just going to say the same thing as Angela! A decent homebrew shop would be able to sell you the right cork, they do come in different sizes.

I feel the need for a decanter now!

Mrs. Micawber said...

I love vinegar for cleaning. What a very nice decanter - I can picture it holding a nice hedgerow bouquet. (Or wine, of course.)

Anonymous said...

My great grandfather's household had a pillbox of lead shot to use for the same purpose. It was tipped out into a sieve, dried and reused again and again!

grace said...

what a find! Love that kind of cleaning, does it work on the whole house?!

Calico Kate said...

How wonderful - I have a decanter that could do with this trick so I MUST get some vinegar! I too was going to suggest Ebay for a stopper (I have just bought a lovely cranberry red one as part of B's wedding anne present - we're on crystal -15yrs- but I'm going down a 'glass' route!)or perhaps a large marble.

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