Thursday, 3 November 2011

Simple Things

Inspired by the wonderful photographs over at simplethings, I have started to look at my surroundings differently...

Here are just some...

of the many wonderful...

pavements in the old city of Cordoba.


Angela said...

Beuatiful! have fun!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Very beautiful. Somehow cracked and heaving pavers in pedestrianised streets just don't do it. Must be possible though looking at these....

Annie Cholewa said...

Simply beautiful things :D

Belinda said...

These are so gorgeous. I noticed that every city that I have visited in Spain has beatiful pavements.

Thanks again for the mention! x

Celia Hart said...

Oh yes! I've been wanting to make a pebble path in my garden, ever since I saw them in Portugal and Spain. Another project! These are lovely examples.

You're having a wonderful holiday!


Su said...

How beautiful. Continue to enjoy!

noknittedknickers said...

Just beautiful! I love zooming in on the detail of things and sseings things differently as a result. Thanks for the reminder. C.x

Anonymous said...

They're lovely to look at - and such simple materials. A great inspiration!

Mrs. Micawber said...

Why do I live in Wisconsin?

Thanks for sharing the loveliness.

silverpebble said...

Oh those mosacis are wonderful. I especially like them because they're made of pebbles.

Julie said...

Very beautiful. I wonder how old they are? Juliex

Julie said...

Just tired to comment, think my computer is playing up - lovely mosaics, I wonder how old they are? Juliex

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