Friday, 30 December 2011

Lovely Pigeon

We are in post Christmas mood. Simple food is craved & the forlorn remains of the Christmas pudding are being ignored by both of us...

I was especially thrilled to receive a small parcel containing a lovely pigeon from Lovely Pigeon's advent giveaway. Thank you!


Annie Cholewa said...

What a gorgeous giveaway gift :D

I know what you mean about simple food, I'm making fresh carrot and bay soup for supper here.

Anonymous said...

I also agree about the food. We've been having coddled eggs!

Angela said...

I COMPLETELY misunderstood- my dashboard showed the heading 'Lovely Pigeon' and a picture of soup- and I thought you'd taking to shooting and cooking them!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face

Happy new year

Mrs. Micawber said...

I too thought you were eating them... what a lovely pigeon indeed.

We had roast lamb for Christmas and I'm still happily eating the leftovers, but with plenty of salad.

Karen S Booth said...

That is a wonderful gift! Has my package arrived yet? I am hopeful, although a calendar from my sister took 3 weeks to get here from the UK!
Happy Hogmanay, Happy New Year, Bonne année et bonne santé!

Calico Kate said...

A very lovely pigeon indeed!

Wishing you and My TH a very happy New Year. It has been lovely to meet you and thank you for taking the time to comment on all my advent posts!
Wishing you a peaceful, healthy & happy 2012.

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