Tuesday 11 September 2012

Fennel and Lemon Liqueur

Running low on Fennel Liqueur & noticing that this seems to have been a good year for fennel, I decided to make some liqueur of my own. Here's what I did...

Added some fronds, flowers & seed heads to a sterilised jar. 

Crushed them lightly with the end of a rolling pin. 

Added pieces of lemon rind.

Sprinkled sugar over the crushed fennel & mixed thoroughly. 

Topped up with vodka and shook lightly.

Mr TH has rushed off to get more vodka to top it up...

I'll turn this jar regularly over the next few weeks, then strain & bottle. 

If it's not sweet enough, I'll add sugar syrup to taste. (Dissolve 300g sugar in 100g water)

The fronds are good chopped up in salads, salad dressings or mayonnaise.

If you still have fennel seeds left over why not...

Dry some to use in cooking later on this year.

Here's what I did with my dried fennel seeds last year.

It is hard to resist just eating them though...


ALoadofOldTat said...

I love fennel and it is brilliant for indigestion. Much better for you than the pharmaceutical alternatives. I normally buy fennel tea bags but your post has inspired me to grow my own.

Mrs. Micawber said...

I love fennel in tomato sauce, and just chewing on the seeds is a treat. Mr. M sometimes uses it as a digestive aid.

All that family of plants seemed to do really well here this summer, drought notwithstanding.

Rachel said...

Angelica is another good one...

Gillian Roe said...

I've honestly never heard of fennel vodka but it actually sounds pretty good. I love anything with an anise flavour. x

Frances said...

Fennel is so lovely, it would also be a wonderful subject to draw or paint!

Your posts are really grand.

Calico Kate said...

Not keen on it as a veg or drink! (I said this last year too I see!) But I do love it as a plant it is so beautiful. Mum has a bronze fennel in the garden, stunning colour and amazingly HUGE plant!

litlove said...

Ooh I have never tried to grow fennel - what a nice idea. I love it chopped up with added seeds in a couscous (with tomatoes, onions and lemon it goes wonderfully with fish). I couldn't drink the booze, alas, although it sounds delicious, but fennel is definitely a possibility for the vegetable bed next year.

silverpebble said...

YUM. Please can I try some soon?

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