Sunday, 30 September 2012

Germs & Food Challenge Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Autumn is definitely here; long shadows, amber light & the first cold virus of the season!

Feeling very croaky, snuffly & generally full of aches & pains, I seem to have spent the majority of my non-work time sleeping or lying on the sofa & watching lots of films.

Still determined to take part in the food challenge, I've had to resort to the freezer to provide most of our meals...

  • the remains of the stuffed marrow
  • roasted veg & couscous
  • homemade soups
  • veggie curry

In a bid to boost our immunity I've added copious amounts of garlic to everything, our house is probably a 'no-go-zone' now!

Mr TH, still blissfully unaware of the challenge, continues to make the bread (I have yet to add garlic to that!)

The costing seems to have taken second place at the moment but we haven't needed to buy any food yet.


noknittedknickers said...

Commiserations, Mrs. TH. Having not has a cold for the longest time, I woke up yesterday with a scratchy throat and full of achiness. Not sure my freezer is as well prepared as yours for such eventualities though.... I wish you better. C.x

litlove said...

You're doing fantastically well on the food challenge and you'll beat that cold virus in no time, I'm sure. It cannot possibly withstand that much garlic! I'm joining you on the thrifty wagon now, you'll not be surprised to hear, and your pasta dish with the roasted courgettes and tomatoes looked fabulous. Hope you are feeling much better very, very soon.

Frances said...

Oh, I do hope that you'll be mending very soon. When one is not feeling very well, isn't it wonderful to know that some sorts of soothing food might be somewhere in the house?

Defrosting does not take too long. If there is something nourishing to defrost. (Must remember that for myself!)

Bravo to you for having a bread maker in the house! Staff of life and all that.

Best wishes.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Hope you feel better - as Sue said - Elderberries are good for colds sore throats - there are still some on the trees, you just boil them up with sugar and drink the syrup in hot water (or alcohol!).

Gillian Roe said...

Tis the season for coughs and colds - get well soon. I've been following your recent posts with interest. I can;t believe how well you are eating on a budget - and how well stocked your freezer is! Those pepper looks amazing.

Babajeza said...

Hopefully, you're feeling better. The virus hasn't hit me yet but my husband ... I'm drinking tea with lemon to be prepared for the fight. Elderberries are the recipe, that's for sure!
Tonight I'm baking Apfelküechli for dinner: Apples from the orchard, flour, sugar, eggs from pantry and fridge. :-)

Pomona said...

You poor thing - I hope you recover very soon. My favourite thrifty recipe is lentil dahl, which I think I worked out once at about 18p a helping if you buy the lentils in bulk.

Pomona x

Annie Cholewa said...

I know this isn't entirely in keeping with the challenge but when life throws you a cold buy lemons, and honey if you don't have any. I'm sure you can think of thrifty ways to use the lemon rind. My Dad also swears by cinnamon in hot water.

Hope you're feeling better soon x

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