Sunday, 2 October 2011

Granny Plates

At book club we are reading a series of novels based around collections. It got me thinking, what do I collect? I started looking around the house, how could I miss my collection of plates (Granny Plates as Emma from Silverpebble once called them back in 2005, the name stuck...)

I've collected these Granny Plates for over fifteen years now. There are only three rules for my collection; each plate must cost no more than £3 (preferably much less), it must not be new & it must be beautiful (beautiful to me that is...).

Before I hung them, we agreed that I would put only twenty up. I have sneaked a few extras in, there are now twenty-three plates.

I tell myself that not only are they beautiful but if we're short of a plate or two or twenty-three we could always take some off the wall...


Annie Cholewa said...

They are all lovely ... if you have a large collection how did you choose which 23 to hang?

Anonymous said...

Memories of my childhood set out on your wall. They remind me so much of tea-times - bread and butter with the crust cut off but only at Gran's house. At home the crust was never wasted. Oh, icecream in glass dishes, always served with bread and butter - I have no idea why.

nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

I love Granny Plates! Great way to display them. I have mine on my dresser, but you can't fit so many in! By the way, if you're interested, I've now added links to the apple cake recipes on the latest post. Laura x

noknittedknickers said...

Oooh, lovely plates. Particularly like the primroses. And one of the plates in the wings will be perfect with Laura's apple cake. C.x

silverpebble said...

You know I love them.

Bovey Belle said...

I am a bit of a collector too. . . I love old china and have a hidden stash as well as stuff on display. Every now and then I take down what's up and give something else from my stash an airing. At the moment, my penchant is for green glass . . . car boot sale bargains of course.

do you mind if i knit said...

The way you've displayed your granny plates looks so modern and gorgeous. I've just been admiring the beautiful curtains you made for Emma at silver pebble, they look stunning! Vanessa xxx

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