Sunday, 30 October 2011

Making Winter

During the week there were lots of fireworks in my neighbourhood to celebrate the festival of Diwali (Wednesday 26th October). Next Saturday, 5th November, it's Bonfire/Guy Fawkes Night, so there will be a weekend of fireworks & the lingering, pungent smell of cordite in the air.

At this time of year, there's nothing quite like curling up in front of a real fire, the fabulous smell of wood smoke accompanied by the crackle & hiss of the burning logs...(especially if you're in the North Eastern States of America at the moment!)

& then there's my 'fire'...

My 'pretend' fire has fairy lights rather than the real deal but I like to imagine...(Looking on the bright side, at least I don't have to clean it out...)

Emma over at silverpebble has a real fire & she loves her fire.

With the UK clock change, night starts an hour earlier this evening. So a fire themed tutorial seemed a good way to start our Making Winter Project. We were so inspired by a post from pebbledash that we got to work (& had great fun) making some firelighters...

I am hopeful that this may be the start of Emma's conversion from winter hater to winter lover...

To find out more pop over there now...

If you'd like to join us, please grab the button & add it to your side bar...


silverpebble said...

I love your fairylight fire as much as my real burny one.

Have a truly wonderful time on your surprise journey x

Karen S Booth said...

A beautiful post and I will be joining in too!

Karen S Booth said...

I have now added your badge to my side bar too!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like great fun, almost makes me wish I had an open fire!

walter and me said...

Thank you for the link Mrs TH! I'm in your camp, a real winter's bliss!

Your mystery trip sounds very exciting!

Annie Cholewa said...

That's one cosy fairylight fire!

Button grabbed and added to my sidebar, and I've also added a picture of my latest knitted winter hat creation to the Flickr group :D

Pomona said...

I have added the button and done a post specially for you!

Pomona x

BadPenny said...

What a pretty fireplace. We had an open fire in our last house. Here we have to make do with a fan heater lookalike wood burner which doesn't look like the real thing at all !

Going to pop over - I'm a winter girl !

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say what a lovely idea this is, and also how much I am looking forward to your Making Winter posts - I LOVE winter.

Calico Kate said...

Oh that is SO pretty. We do have a 'real' one but we haven't lit it yet this year, Standing in temporarily is the electric version, which I switch the light on without the heating bit just for some 'atmosphere'. There is something about fire and making it isn't there. I've made fire lighters out of fircones and candlewax in paper cases I wonder if that is what you did. Am off now to have a look.

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