Thursday, 6 October 2011

On My Mind

Still making jelly...but I'm all out of sugar & must remember to get some more first thing tomorrow to make the next batch of Quince jelly (Japanese)

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BarefootBride said...

Hello, I'm visiting from Down to Earth.

I've never had quince jelly before and haven't even seen quinces before. I'm sure they're grown in Australia, though. Good luck with your jam making.

I look forward to reading more of your blog.

Rose said...

Quince jelly sounds delish.

Karen S Booth said...

I have made LOTS of quince stuff this year, if you pop over to Lavender and Lovage, you will see what I have done! Marmalade, jelly, cheese, jam, vanilla poached for pies still making stuff with them as my tree was LOADED this year! LOVELY new blog and I am following now, as well as adding you to my favourite blogs on the sidebar!
PS: you have email too!

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