Saturday, 1 October 2011

Zero Self-Control

It is official, I have zero self-control...but it was sooooo good!

On a more positive note

Here are some of my first jars of Quince (Japanese) Jelly 2011. I just love the colour (eating the scrapings from the jam pan was good too!)

...also featuring Mr TH's workbench, he's sanding something...

Only three more lots to go now...


Annie Cholewa said...

That jelly looks divine! Glad you enjoyed the fig ... at least we can see all of that lovely plate now ;D

Angela said...

We all knew you'd give in eventually!! The quince jelly looks brilliant- all jewel-like and sparkling.x

noknittedknickers said...

There's something delicious about giving into temptation once in awhile! Lovely plate. Cx

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